Friday, June 13, 2014

Futurama-- Thermotron - Best of Hil Sybesma- management training


yes , Opp's

the thermotron customer listing some how got lost in Hil sybesma's  exit report

when he left thermotron--

Well, it's on thing  for management to "KNOW" of this  BUT it's another thing, 2 PROVE it!! 

so thermotron filed a million dollar law suit-- and said -- hey you can't work in this industry any more--

gee i really only know of one person i worked with at thermotron the didn't daily steal and embezzle--

when John Tenbrink--

worked there he would miss lead and defraud his co
workers -- and then run behind their back =--- and tell Bob Wiley --
that so-n-so did this or said that--

then he would say Old-Bob-Wiley-is as- smart-as a Fox@!!

But old Bob-Wiley-- told his "inner-circle-- that it was ok to lie to
him-- about what was going on so long as they didn't get him in

This was also the thermotron management method of Thomas Bannach--

Thomas bannach -

- included that it was OK to lie,cheat, miss lead people
and embezzle a little bit every day--
because every he know is like

and as Gregory V Joohnson said -- it was ok to lible and slander your co workers---

 because as thomas bannach and Roger Cannady and associates said-- every one was the manager

Not-like --there-s --any-thing--wrong--with --that??


At July 15, 2020 at 9:32 AM , Blogger uuubigdummy said...

Diana bannach obituary 55 years married to a pervert

s thomas bannach bragged that his church going representation protected him at thermotron besides as thomas patterson said if you exposed the liars thieves that thomas bannach protected. Well they will attack you. And Jesus died for sinners.

Being insulted by someone who is passive-aggressive can, at times, be tricky to figure out. The insults are probably hurled before you can even figure out that they’re meant to be for you. Their remarks may not be addressed to you, but sooner rather than later, you’ll realize that they are aimed at you. Despite their words being evasive, they will still have an effect on you whether you like it or not, which proves just how vile they are. Passive-aggressive people are negative and indirectly hostile. They give out insincere and backhanded compliments, often implying someone’s success is a fluke when in truth, they are envious of that person’s achievement. They are also hypercritical. They’re always venting and complaining about the smallest things. At work, these are your colleagues who shoot down everything because no suggestion or proposal is good enough for them.

At June 16, 2022 at 2:49 PM , Blogger uuubigdummy said... Hegseth: How schools went from patriotism to drag queen hour | Will Cain Podcast On this episode, Will sits down with his FOX & Friends weekend co-host Pete Hegseth, to discuss Pete’s new book,
Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation. #FoxNews


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